Letter writer isn’t convinced that a pride-of-place campaign and a leaders’ table initiative will result in the kind of decisions and actions needed in Nanaimo. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Real change requires more than buzzwords

Letter writer questions pride-of-place campaign, leaders' table initiative

To the editor,

Re: City of Nanaimo wants to get started on pride-of-place, leaders’ table recommendations, Nov. 26.

Pride-of-place, leaders’ table, blah, blah, blah.

We have more homeless people, more shuttered buildings, way more unemployed people, businesses on – or already over – the brink, longer lineups at the food bank, a decimated tourism/travel industry, hardly any place to visit or socialize, and on and on. We need positive, viable actions now. (How about starting with a zero-per cent tax increase?)

What we don’t need are more words like community-building, reputation-strengthening, resilience, positive dialogue, engagement, and, my favourite, ‘keep up momentum.’ If those on city council took a look outside their rose-coloured windows, they’d see that we already have momentum – downward. Surely they don’t mean we should keep that up?

Oh, and we already have a leader’s table that will determine a priority list of capital infrastructure. It’s also known as Nanaimo city council.

It’s time to forgo the rhetoric and get on with decisions you were elected to make. You’d certainly have my ‘engagement.’

Kenn Hample, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo’s recovery task force recommends pride of place, strategic investment

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Nanaimo News Bulletin