An advertisement for a red t-shirt saying ‘Sorry eh’ was offensive, as the shirt could have been mistaken as orange, says letter writer.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Red T-shirt saying ‘sorry’ deeply offensive

T-shirt could have been mistaken as orange, says letter writer

To the editor,

I noticed an ad from a local store whose name I expect you won’t want me to mention. It was for a red T-shirt that looked orange with the phrase ‘Sorry eh’ on it.

There was a lot of negativity around celebrating Canada Day this year. To have this phrase printed on any coloured shirt trivializes and disrespects the Indigenous students’ experience.

I am deeply offended by this business for selling the item and the Bulletin for printing this ad.

C. Perry, Nanaimo

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Truth, reconciliation must come before Canada Day parties

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Nanaimo News Bulletin