Letter to the Editor: Robson fire auxiliary carries on legacy

The auxiliary members have raised money in a variety of ways.

In 1979, a group of women from Robson and area, formed the Ladies’ Auxiliary, an organization whose mandate was to lend moral and financial support to the Robson Volunteer Fire Department.

These women recognized the need to offer assistance to the firefighters, who selflessly put their lives on the line for their community. And for over 35 years, the auxiliary has been there, providing food on numerous occasions, such as training weekends, the 2014 Firefighter Games as well as for lengthy fire calls, ensuring the firefighters stay nourished and hydrated.

The auxiliary members have raised money in a variety of ways, such as cooking at the Robson flea market and offering catering services at local events.

Their hard work has helped to purchase many items for the fire department such as picnic tables, furniture, a pool table, and numerous supplies for the kitchen. The auxiliary also hired a photographer to take pictures of the firefighters, which are proudly displayed on the walls of the Robson fire hall.

Currently, the auxiliary is fundraising to help the fire department buy a thermal-imaging camera. It was recently learned that there are only a couple auxiliaries in the area that support volunteer fire departments, which makes the Robson auxiliary’s longevity and accomplishments even more admirable.

Since 1979, many members have come and gone, and recently several members stepped down, some having been there from the start. The current members of the auxiliary would like to offer their gratitude to all past members for their commitment and hard work.

Please know that you have made a difference in the community of Robson and your dedication will be remembered as the current auxiliary aims to carry on your legacy.

Robson Volunteer Fire

Department Auxiliary





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