RCMP should search suspicious people, especially after dark, says letter writer. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Searches of suspicious individuals would make everyone safer

Security cameras aren't enough, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: More than 20 fires set downtown in past three months, June 23.

Arson corresponds to matches, lighters and accelerants. Graffiti corresponds to spray cans. Robbery and theft correspond to break-in tools and stolen items. Violence corresponds to concealed knives and guns.

Past practice by police was to politely and routinely stop loiterers and suspects, especially after dark. Stop and search of items carried was effective in those whose activities aroused suspicion, and suspects were caught. Common sense and non-intrusive to honest citizens. It was reassuring and helped safeguard society.

Many security cameras are not effective enough. Clearer technology is required to identify offenders with public surveillance.

We handicap our police. So why do they bother to work on our behalf? To be subjected to verbal abuse by some. Various risks and injuries or death at the hands of criminals or badly behaved youths. It is difficult to understand.

I hope this may arouse some positive thoughts and discussion with more public support. We need effective measures and severe penalties for those who would harm, disrupt and destroy our homes, buildings and society.

Doug Miller, Gabriola Island

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Nanaimo News Bulletin