Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. (News Bulletin file photo)

Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Second hospital long overdue

Tertiary model would be best served by a completely new design, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: City has grown enough for a second hospital, Letters, Oct. 14.

Long overdue, in my opinion. I agree it should be in the north. But I see it being built at or as close to the junction of the Nanaimo Parkway and old Island Highway.

The tertiary model would be best served by a completely new design. NRGH is already a maze and should be a quiet zone, not a construction zone.

The city I lived in before coming back to Nanaimo had a great old hospital with a five-storey nurses’ residence, but outgrown. This city of 32,000 built a new hospital with main route access – that was 30 years ago.

Build Nanaimo’s state-of-the-art hospital on the highway so there are less sirens in residential areas, a huge expandable parkade, and nurses’ residence for future nurses in training.

Neil Saunders, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin