There needs to be further demolition of the downtown’s dilapidated buildings, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file

There needs to be further demolition of the downtown’s dilapidated buildings, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Show creativity downtown

The mayor and council could actually create a difference to the downtown, says letter writer

To the editor,

Why have we never seen an artist’s rendering of what could be done to improve the public eyesore that starts with the old A&B Sound building and carries on around Victoria Crescent, the old Island Highway and joins with dilapidated old Nicol Street?

There needs to be major demolition in that whole area. Expropriate the properties for fair market value, and start blasting.

The mayor and council are determined to spend years of tax dollars on a facade, when if they put their heads together, they could actually create a difference to the downtown community that live there and really needs it. Stop stepping over the poor to satisfy the wealthy.

R. Douglas, Nanaimo


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Nanaimo News Bulletin