A sign warns motorists of deer along Hammond Bay Road. (News Bulletin photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Slow Hammond Bay Road traffic to save deer

The best way to slow motorists is to have speed bumps, suggests letter writer

To the editor,

Every year there are deer killed by inattentive or speeding motorists in the vicinity of the 3000 block of Hammond Bay Road.

The 30km/h speed signs, the beware of wildlife signs and the plastic notices that a concerned citizen has for years erected have had zero effect.

The best way to slow motorists is to have speed bumps across the road on either side of this stretch of road. The city has recently installed traffic-calming obstacles on Lost Lake Road, which include speed bumps. If such a relatively quiet road can justify the expense, then Hammond Bay Road can get them too.

The deer are a charming part of life in Nanaimo. Surely we can save their lives when they cross the road, especially innocent wee fawns.

City council should instruct the engineering and public works or transportation department to install speed bumps and slow down traffic.

Malcolm Berry, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: City of Nanaimo planning traffic-calming project on Lost Lake Road

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Nanaimo News Bulletin