Letter to the Editor: speak up!

Before our mayor and council at the present time, is a plan to dismantle Ferland Park to make a space for a new skateboard park.

Before our mayor and council at the present time, is a plan to dismantle Ferland Park to make a space for a new skateboard park.

It is incomprehensible to me that our council would seriously plan to strip a quiet, family friendly children area and replace it with a skateboard park.

I appreciate the need for a space for a skateboard park. But let’s have input from all you moms, dads and grandparents who would like to redirect the skateboard activities to a more suitable place — allowing our heritage Ferland park to remain as it is.

The council who was voted in by you should be willing to evaluate the wishes of the community to make this a win-win situation. Citizens — speak and write to council.


Respectfully, Julie Ephrom


Vanderhoof Omineca Express