Virus behaviour is unpredictable, and talking about ‘probable second waves’ is futile, says letter writer. (Stock photo)

Virus behaviour is unpredictable, and talking about ‘probable second waves’ is futile, says letter writer. (Stock photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Talk of ‘second wave’ of virus is fear-mongering

Virus behaviour is unpredictable, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Second wave of virus probable, history shows, Opinion, May 27.

I have carried out research and taught courses on viruses for over 50 years, and consequently I feel that I have a fair understanding of them. However, one thing that I learned long ago is that virus behaviour is unpredictable, and talking about ‘probable second waves’ is futile. In any case the examples in this editorial of alleged second waves in fact refers to influenza viruses, which are quite different from coronaviruses, in spite of the similarity of respiratory symptoms.

The key factor in any virus encounter is the ability of a healthy immune system to control it, and it appears from the very low death rate ascribed to COVID-19 that in most cases our immune systems are doing their jobs properly. But we don’t read about these success stories. The media prefers the horror stories.

The only people who want to see more virus waves are those who profit from them, namely the vaccine promoters, who hope to come up with a mandatory vaccine that gives relatively few mortalities.

In contrast to this negative picture, your readers will gain more from the positive spin of Coun. Tyler Brown’s guest comment. Let’s focus on these aspects, while allowing people to get back to an improved ‘normal’ lifestyle.

James B. Hudson, Nanaimo

OPINION: Another world is possible as we emerge from pandemic

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Pandemic’s new normal has its positive side

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