With our entire well-being now in jeopardy, we have zero choice but to relocate, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

With our entire well-being now in jeopardy, we have zero choice but to relocate, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tent city as a neighbour is unbearable any longer

We listed our home at the Beacon, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Summer of our discontent, July 17.

We listed our home today. We are a mom, dad and two kids who dreamed and saved for a decade to finally get into the Beacon. We get up early every morning and work and have a budget and do our very best to law abide.

The sense of injustice and zero consideration for the tax-paying responsible citizens and the aura of sleazy criminality and danger that surrounds Cameron Island as well as downtown Nanaimo is tangible (usually at nighttime when the majority of the public, sucked into the lies of tent city, cannot be witness. We see it 24/7).

We 100 per cent support the homeless, zero per cent support the criminals who are tent city.

With our entire well-being now in jeopardy, we have zero choice but to relocate.

I’m a mom and have been swarmed twice since May by grown men, robbed, intimidated and fed up.

Our nerves cannot take years of harassment, so we will take our tax money and morals and relocate elsewhere. Beautiful B.C.? Sure. So what the heck happened to Nanaimo’s downtown?

T. Treit, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Respect rights of residents around tent city

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tent city residents getting away with law-breaking

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tent city isn’t causing unpleasant interactions

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The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

Nanaimo News Bulletin