Letters to the editor.

Letter to the Editor: Thank You to Recycling Depot Staff

'Thank you to everyone who responsibly recycles all that they can.'

I read in the Advance of a lady’s unfortunate accident and injuries while recycling. I hope she is well on the road to full recovery. (Refer to the Aug. 6 issue of the Advance – “Letter to the Editor: Use Caution at Recycling Depot”)

READ MORE: Letter to the Editor: Use Caution at Recycling Depot

Every time I go to the recycling depot, I’m amazed at the friendly, helpful workers there, who are ready to answer any questions about “what goes where”. It seems I always have a new item that I don’t know which bin it goes in.

I’m amazed at how helpful the staff are, while keeping the area tidy and scraps picked up. On one occasion, I heard the staff ask a trucker to switch out a full bin, but an empty one wasn’t available. So instead, he picked up the full bin with his rig and tipped it, so the contents were pushed to the back to free up more room for recyclables. The staff also rakes the bins to redistribute objects away from the holes, so that residents can dump their things in more easily. While raking, the staff also watches for wrongly placed items in the mix. I’ve been told if the bin is full with more than 20 per cent wrong items, it can be rejected and Creston receives a hefty fine.

On those stifling hot days, I was glad to finish my few minutes of unloading. I thought about the staff staying until the end of their shift and how hot they must have been.

When I think of the gigantic pile of recyclable materials in one of those bins and how many bins are filled per week, I can’t imagine how our landfill would accommodate it all. Thank you to everyone who responsibly recycles all that they can.

Let’s all be safe, responsible, and careful.

Carolyn Kosowan, Creston

Creston Valley Advance