letter to the Editor: Theresa Negreiff

What’s causing that smell?

As a recently returning Castlegar resident, I am very pleased about all of the wonderful healthy development our town has undergone in recent years. The sculpture walk, Millennium Park, music nights at the library, just to name a few! I purchased a home downtown and am now considering adding to the wonderful revitalization of downtown by opening a business.

However, I hesitate to invest my dollars in Castlegar when I still hear from visitors how disturbing the sour egg smell from Celgar is when they come to town. It makes me wonder if I will ever get the traffic I need for a viable downtown business and/ or if a real estate investment downtown would ever pay dividends when there is such a perceived cloud over our beautiful town.

Can you tell me, exactly, what is the cause of that unpleasant smell and is there anyway we can eliminate it? As a former local, I’m perhaps more used to it than some but here it regularly mentioned by visitors.

Theresa Negreiff



Castlegar News