Mayor Leonard Krog delivers a state of the city address last month at the Coast Bastion Hotel. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

Mayor Leonard Krog delivers a state of the city address last month at the Coast Bastion Hotel. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ‘Thrilling’ times won’t happen anytime soon

Mayor's message recalls '80s song The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Mayor’s state of the city address suggests ‘thrilling’ times ahead, March 21.

I am still continuing to be beguiled with these politicians who have the ability to foresee the economic future, but thrilling times ahead?

Well, Nanaimo Mayor Leonard Krog’s message reminds me of the ’80s song The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades but in this case, he’s wearing the ’60s kaleidoscope glasses.

This coming of the “thrilling times” for Nanaimo? Yeah right, not during my lifetime; maybe in the distant future.

However, in reality, Nanaimo still is being hit hard by this economic flu bug and there still are a lot of unemployed people in Nanaimo where there still are not enough jobs to go around.

It would have been a heck of a lot cheaper to have gone to a fortune teller’s tent instead of getting the all-too familiar politician’s hocus-pocus act.

Al Munro, Nanaimo

RELATED: Nanaimo entering ‘thrilling time’ says mayor in state of the city address

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Nanaimo News Bulletin