Letter to the Editor: Trash talker

I had some trash from the office to put into the Invermere/Athalmer dump today. What a mess as usual.

Dear Editor,

I had some trash from the office to put into the Invermere/Athalmer dump today. What a mess as usual.

Seems the town had all kinds of money to beautify Pot Hole Park, which was very nice, but maybe they could have cut back a bit and spent some money on the garbage site.

First of all, a few loads of gravel would help to cut down the mud. Then hire (sure you have enough staff now) to go over every day and clean up the mess. Never mind bears, how about rats, etc. Not a healthy place for sure; never mind the look of it.

You could close the gate and just have set hours. You could make it bear proof. You could haul it away more often. You could have better bins. You could build a place for those who just cannot go to Windermere with their big stuff (mattresses, chairs or whatever). Cannot believe if you got it that far, you could not have gone to the big dump in Windermere.

We live in a beautiful place, let’s try to keep it that way. Anyway, these are some of my suggestions.

Ida Daggett



Invermere Valley Echo