BLACK PRESS FILE PHOTOTraffic heading north on the Trans-Canada Highway up the Malahat being rerouted onto Westshore Parkway.

BLACK PRESS FILE PHOTOTraffic heading north on the Trans-Canada Highway up the Malahat being rerouted onto Westshore Parkway.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Try pace cars on Malahat

Pace cars are used in motorsport to limit speed in the case of a caution period, notes letter writer

To the editor,

Multiple tragic incidents on the Malahat prompt a variety of potential solutions. Most solutions relate to infrastructure improvements which do not address the basic problem of driver attitude. A simple, effective, inexpensive, albeit unpopular idea is a set of pace cars, used in motorsport to limit the speed of “competing cars on a racetrack in the case of a caution period such as an obstruction on the track or bad weather.”

The province would provide, during peak traffic periods, a set of drivers and vehicles to drive the Malahat in tandem at a speed slightly above the posted speed limit. This is essentially how traffic would flow in the future with autonomous vehicles.

After a brief adjustment period most drivers should welcome the new relaxed driving style.

Fred Kardel, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-think Island commuting

RELATED: Province addressing need for emergency alternative to the Malahat

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Nanaimo News Bulletin