Letters to the Editor. File photo

Letter to the Editor: Try Thank-you

"Maybe it's time for the 'silent majority' to become 'vocal' and at least support those who are positively vocal. Let's encourage those who are serving us in all walks of life instead of increasing their pain and frustration."

By Carolyn Kosowan, Creston

Dear editor,

Thank you again for the “well-put” editorials. Unfortunately, you are meeting some of the “vocal minority” who get heard while the “silent majority” go about life following rules, laws and generally being the fine citizens that make Creston the wonderful place it is.

When I asked what my friends were doing for Christmas, EVERYONE I spoke with said, “We’re staying safe, and although it’s so hard, our families are all celebrating at their homes this year.” These are the people who keep COVID numbers low here in Creston.

It is only by the grace of God that these demonstrations have not resulted in a large spread of COVID. Thank you to everyone who, by their care and attention to details/recommendations given for our safety, make our town safe to go about business. These procedures are not devised to make life difficult, but to keep us from a very nasty and dangerous virus.

I must also thank all those who take risks and work long hours under difficult circumstances to make life work as well as possible. I single out lab techs at the hospital because I have regular, frequent contact there. It distresses me to hear people who are waiting berate the “system” and the “people” in the system because of long waits and confusing, changing procedures to navigate the road to getting blood work drawn.

I know the lab techs are also frustrated and it hurts when we express our frustration to them. Remember, COVID means we ALL have to do “routine” activities in new ways. We are ALL learning about COVID. It is uncharted territory, and methods get altered based on results and new knowledge, as well as developments in the science base. I know how much these techs are hurting by the way they fight back tears when thanked for/or understanding of their situation.

Maybe it’s time for the “silent majority” to become “vocal” and at least support those who are positively vocal. Let’s encourage those who are serving us in all walks of life instead of increasing their pain and frustration.

Try “THANK YOU”. It really does change things.

Creston Valley Advance