LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vaccine needs to be more accessible for all British Columbians

Those without access to technology and transportation are being left out, says letter writer

A nurse prepares a vaccine dose at an immunization clinic for long-term care workers in Nanaimo earlier this year. (Island Health photo)

To the editor,

There is a whole group of people in B.C. who would love to get vaccinated but can’t – because they don’t have cars, computers or cellphones.

Those who have created the system for getting COVID-19 vaccines seem to have forgotten that not everyone has a vehicle and a smartphone, or is comfortable or able to access information online.

For example, in Ladysmith, the vaccine clinic was moved in July from Aggie Hall to the Cedar Community Hall, miles away, to which there is no bus service. Those trying to find out where they can get vaccinated in Ladysmith or the times of the mobile vaccination clinic are given different phone numbers by different agencies and/or told to check online – not helpful if you don’t have a computer.

And now if people are to have a vaccine passport to get into businesses and restaurants, they have to go online and access a link on the web.

I don’t know if public health authorities lack imagination or empathy, but they need to understand that public health has to be accessible to all.

Kathryn-Jane Hazel, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin