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Letter to the editor: Waiting to see the highways upgraded

Last week (the Revelstoke Review) reported a slight decrease in accident rates for the Trans-Canada Highway.

Last week (the Revelstoke Review) reported a slight decrease in accident rates for the Trans-Canada Highway.

However it should be noted that the accident rate on this section of the Trans-Canada is almost double the provincial average per vehicle kilometre.

READ MORE: Traffic up on Highway 1 but accidents down

Major rural highways should have accident rates that are lower than the overall average because urban areas have many more intersections.

I’m sure ICBC and the provincial ministry of yransportation would say that the exceptionally poor accident rate on the highway is affected by it being a mountain highway with severe winters.

However, I think it is more significant that it is mostly an unimproved 1960s standard highway carrying far more traffic than it was designed to carry and with heavy transport trucks traveling far faster than they did in the ’60s.

Perhaps if I live until I am one hundred (more than 40 years away) I might see the last of the 1960s sections upgraded – but I wouldn’t bet a single cent on it.

Nicholas Thomas, Revelstoke


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