Letter to the editor: With thanks

Gloria Lazzarin expresses her gratitude for the blessings in her life.


This Thanksgiving season, I would like to express my gratitude publicly for the many blessings in my life.

First, I am overwhelmingly thankful to my ancestors who chose to settle in Canada and thereby ensure my citizenship as a Canadian. I am thankful to my parents who decided to move to Quesnel along with their family of three children 64 years ago.

Thank you to this community where my late husband was born and raised and who I married 61 years ago, parenting together four children. I am grateful to the teachers and volunteer activity leaders who contributed to them becoming people with unquestionable integrity.

I am thankful for the happy lives my family established here through my husband’s successful business pursuits and my opportunity to serve this community in an elected public life for many years.

Heartfelt thanks to all volunteers who make this city so liveable.

It is people who make the biggest difference in our lives. I am grateful for many friendships forged while pursuing my interests. Thank you to the people who cheerfully provide commercial services that we rely on. We are fortunate to have appropriate medical facilities and personnel with access to referrals in the neighbouring city of Prince George, UNBC, located there provides educational and cultural opportunities at lower cost than previously available.

Thank you for all the community leadership over the past years. Thanks to our current mayor, Mary Sjostrom and her council. She has been honoured by her peers in being selected as the incoming president of the Union of B.C. Municipalities. I admire her ability to lead with grace despite some recent challenges within council.

Special thanks to Maeford Assisted Living Residence, my current home and to all the staff who look so well after tenants needs. Because of my gratitude for a lengthy, happy and rewarding life in this community, my prayers are for cooperative and respectful efforts to its wellbeing by everyone in a position to make a difference.

Gratefully yours,

Gloria Lazzarin



Quesnel Cariboo Observer