LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Youth voting should go to referendum

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Youth voting should go to referendum

There are pros and cons to giving 16-year-olds the vote, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Time has come to allow 16-year-olds to vote, Opinion, March 20.

I know many teens that definitely have the mental maturity to be responsible voters. I am also aware that there are far too many aimlessly wandering around in the dark not knowing which way to turn. They are too easily influenced by their peers who are no more intelligent than themselves. We all make mistakes which is very good, because our mistakes are what we learn life’s lessons from.

If we want to teach our children good values and the importance of being responsible adults, we must get to them before their ears close, and that happens when they turn from their elders and start looking for advice from their peers. This is when many of them think that they know all the answers when they haven’t even heard all the questions yet. The young are very vulnerable and are more attracted to politicians who make promises like legalizing marijuana while breaking too many other promises that help them win an election.

I fully realize that there are many 16-year-olds that are fully mentally qualified to be responsible voters, but I don’t think that it would be a good idea to give that privilege to a person who still thinks like a child. Although many of us who are over the age of 16 still fall into that category. Why not take a vote on it; let the people decide?

John A. Martin, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin