LETTER: To the Minister of Health about care for seniors

From reader Christine Kooznetsoff...

LETTER:  To the Minister of Health about care for seniors

Our seniors have contributed to our country and to our province all their lives. Now they need help with everyday living, but there are not enough care facilities for them to go to, and the process to get them into a facility is lengthy.

Seniors are living longer and are encouraged to live at home for as long as they can. When they are no longer able to cope, they have to “fail” three or four times before they will assess them for a full care facility. What this means is that a senior must have three or four accidents or crisis situations in order to be considered.

While they are waiting through this long process, they are struggling to function on their own, with no place a go and no extra help or support. Some are falling, some are breaking fragile bones, and some, if they have mental health problems, are committing suicide.

We need more facilities for seniors and mental health patients. We need to have assessments done more quickly and there needs to be more emphasis put on what the person is asking for, regardless of whether they meet the current protocol for assistance.

We as citizens should speak up and help them get the help and care they so desperately need. The government failed my Dad. He died from multiple falls and fractures while waiting to get assessed for full care.

Christine Kooznetsoff




Nelson Star