
LETTER: To the person I yelled at in the Kootenay Co-op lineup

From reader Stephanie Myers

I will admit that I saw red when I heard you yell at the door staff about your civil rights and medical exemption while wearing a face visor with a hole in it.

I was not going to stand there and let you berate this Co-op staff person who was just doing their job so I stepped in and started yelling back.

Although I feel what I was doing was right, the way in which I was doing it was wrong.

Where was my compassion for you? Where was my empathy for your believed situation?

The yelling went on for too long and then you insulted me with a really hurtful remark and I was done.

I hope to always be that person who steps in when others are being targeted but next time I hope to bring a bit more humanity to the situation.

I think a lot of us are just holding it together by a very fine margin so let’s all cut each other a bit of slack.

Stephanie Myers


Nelson Star