Letter: Too posh to pick up your dog’s poo

YOU, DOG OWNER, feel that it is acceptable to throw your bag of dog doo into my bushes or leave it untied at the bottom of my driveway.

To the editor:

I live on a corner lot in Glenmore where many people choose to walk their dogs.

I pay taxes for the boulevard next to the streets. I have an irrigation system and pay for the watering of this boulevard. I mow and rake it and keep it neat and tidy.

However, YOU, DOG OWNER, feel that it is acceptable to throw your bag of dog doo into my bushes or leave it untied at the bottom of my driveway.

You are not only moronic but trespassing.

Grow up, have some respect for your neighbourhood.

Jill Almond, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News