LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

LETTER: Tough gun control laws create a safer society

I read with surprise Cole Migvar's April 26 letter to the editor. He stated that "no significant change has been observed in homicide rates after the introduction of gun laws" but provides no statistics or evidence to back up this statement.

I read with surprise Cole Migvar’s April 26 letter to the editor. He stated that “no significant change has been observed in homicide rates after the introduction of gun laws” but provides no statistics or evidence to back up this statement.

READ ALSO: LETTER: Gun control is not the answer

A quick Google search of “does gun control work” and “evidence that gun control works” pulls up dozens of articles and studies that demonstrate that tough registration and ownership laws do indeed appear to result in fewer gun deaths.

Canada’s gun deaths per 100,000 people are approximately 15 per cent of those reported in the United States. What’s the major difference between the two countries that may cause this huge difference? The prevalence of firearms. In Canada, there are less than one million firearms registered, in the United States there are 310 million. And why are there less firearms here? Because we have tougher gun control laws.

I can think of no reason for a resident of this country to own a handgun or an assault rifle, as these firearms are only used to shoot at other humans. Therefore, the tougher the laws for these types of weapons, the safer we all are.

David Southern


Victoria News