(PQB News file)

LETTER: Tour de France wannabes in Qualicum Beach need to slow down

There is going to be someone hurt on the Fern Road shared pathways if the Tour De France wannabes don't slow down and give the right of way to pedestrians as the signs at the entrance to these shared pathways ask.

There is going to be someone hurt on the Fern Road shared pathways if the Tour De France wannabes don’t slow down and give the right of way to pedestrians as the signs at the entrance to these shared pathways ask.

We as pedestrians should not have to constantly be looking behind us to try and discern how much time we have to get out of your way.

It is up to you the rider to bring attention to us, the walkers, as to which side you want to pass on.

Yelling “left or right,but get out of my way cause I’m coming through” does not constitute a courtesy to walkers.

Possibly you should ring a bell as some of us may be hard of hearing. It is after all the demographic of the area and a little bell is not going to affect your aerodynamics.

READ MORE: Injury incident along multi-use pathway in Qualicum Beach raises safety concerns

If you need to go so fast to keep your Fit Bit monitoring your heart rate so you can get home and share your new accomplishment with your Facebook or Twitter friends, I suggest that you use the roadways. That way if you are speeding along on the correct side of the road we will at least see you coming.

George Meikle

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News