Letter: Town Hall questions for the prime minister

Mr. Prime Minister, you state that the previous government did not approve a single pipeline.

Mr. Prime Minister, you state that the previous government did not approve a single pipeline.

You also brag that your government has approved three within one year of being in office. You also state that all regulatory reviews must be done to protect the environment and consultation done with stakeholders before you would approve any pipeline. Correct?

In looking at the regulatory review of the Keystone XL pipeline that was approved by our former government but killed by your counterpart President Obama  even after the USA review was done and found no problems, you announce that you also support this pipeline therefore taking credit after having only been in power for just over one year.

You stated that the East-West pipeline would not be approved until the regulatory process and consultation was done. You also stated that it would be at least another two years before that process was completed.

Now please explain to me and other westerners how you approved three pipelines after being in office for just over one year. Did your government do the regulatory review and consultation in just over one year. I do not think so.

Previous governments started the process many years before you took office. Regulatory reviews and consultation were done long before you took office.

So I would just like to ask, how can you stand up and dump on the previous governments for not passing  these pipelines after they started the process years before you took  office.

I give you credit for meeting with Canadians in  some select cities but at least tell the whole story.  I give you credit for approving these pipelines but the least you could do is acknowledge that Mr. Harper only approved the Keystone XL after due diligence was done. It was killed by left wing lobbyist in the U.S.A. not Mr. Harper.  Acknowledge that under the previous government years of review was done so that you could make a sound judgment on the approvals.

I also would like to say this, good on you for admitting that you misspoke on closing the tar sands in Alberta. It is not often that a politician would do that. Also, as much as I do not support your financial policies, I respect that you are my prime minister.

Bob Otway




Penticton Western News