Letter: Township residents must speak out on issues with a collective voice

Editor: We as the residents of the Township of Langley need to stop thinking about our neighbourhoods as separate entities.  The Township of Langley is not a community of communities, we are one populace and we need to look after each other to make sure this is the type of community we all want to live in.

It’s about time we, as a collective, stood up to Township Council and said ‘no.’

No to development in Brookswood/Fernridge before a new OCP is in place; no to the open-air pool in Aldergrove when an enclosed one was promised; no to the chaos caused by density in Willoughby, and no to all of the other impractical, unreasonable and downright unrealistic plans our current council has in the works.

Aldergrove, Brookswood-Fernridge, Fort Langley, Murrayville, Walnut Grove and Willoughby need to join together and have one very loud voice about all of the issues plaguing us under the current Township council.

I urge everyone to stand up for not only what affects the neighborhood you live in, but also for what affects your fellow residents of Langley.

Let’s show council that we stand together and hold them accountable for all of their decisions.  Write letters, go to council meetings and let’s support each other.

Amy Morose,


Langley Times