Letter: Township’s finances are out of control

Editor: Langley Township finances are out of control. Consider this:  the average tax increase over the past five years has been 3.19 per cent, per annum. Over the same five years, the average water levy increase has been 6.71 per cent, the average sewer levy increase has been 3.09 per cent and the average solid waste levy increase has been 7.57 per cent.

This has happened when the B.C. consumer price index average increase has only been one per cent, per annum.

Total staffing payroll and council cost increases for 2010-2014 have averaged 4.75 per cent, per annum.  The number of staff making over $100,000 per annum has increased 90 per cent from 61 staff members to 116.

There are several people making over $200,000. Oh, to be an employee of the Township – how sweet is that?

Does your income go up three, five or seven per cent, per annum? Not likely, but this is what the Township is foisting upon the taxpayers of this community in the form of increased taxes and levies. We simply cannot afford these kinds of increases.

It is just too easy for councils to increase taxes and levies with little effort to control costs.

The Township is taxing people out of their homes and businesses.

Terry Christie,


Langley Times