Letter: Traffic from South Slopes is getting out of control

This proposed traffic circle would allow access to Dehart Road for a proposed 110-address subdivision at Bartholomew Court.

To the editor:

Each day hundreds, if not thousands, of cars descend into town from the Ponds, the Quarry, the Kettle Valley and the Upper and Lower Mission neighborhoods.

Given the choice of facing 13 red lights, and three school zones, between Dehart Road and Hwy 97, on Gordon Drive; many folks choose to avoid such congestion and go out to Benvoulin Road via Dehart.

These South Slope commuters may be interested in a proposal, going to Public Hearing at City Hall, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m., that would establish a traffic circle at Dehart Road and Bartholomew Court, half a kilometer east of the light at Gordon Drive.

This proposed traffic circle would allow access to Dehart Road for a proposed 110-address subdivision at that location.

With less than 200 meters of sight lines, either way on Dehart Road, this location may not be the safest place to put such a traffic control feature. Add in a couple of hundred cars coming and going from the proposed subdivision and there could be some serious traffic congestion developing along Dehart Road.

Your readers, who live in the areas noted above, might want to attend this public hearing and let our mayor and council know what they think of such a proposed traffic flow design.

Ralph Livingston,



Kelowna Capital News