Letter: Traffic light decision ‘surprising, disappointing’

Editor: I was extremely surprised and disappointed to read that Langley Township council had decided to install traffic lights at several intersections on 16th Avenue.

This seems to me to be a very expensive and dated response to a serious traffic issue.

Having just returned from a month-long driving adventure around New Zealand where roundabouts are the normal way to control traffic, and traffic lights are only seen in the busiest of intersections in the cities, I was able to see just how convenient and self regulating roundabouts can be.  They do rely on the right of way rules that we were all taught when we were learning how to drive and result in far more courteous drivers than those who race from red light to red light.

As long as you remember that the right of way must be given to the vehicle that is currently in the roundabout, all goes well and generally results in a smoother traffic flow and faster average speeds as you seldom need to stop.

I do hope that Langley council will reconsider their decision.

Ed Thornton,

Fort Langley

Langley Times