Letter: Traffic will flow

Dear Editor,

The complaints from Walnut Grove residents never stop.

No one likes increased traffic in their area… but many areas in Langley have increases in traffic due to growth in the region.

Many people want to live in Langley. It is a nice place to live with great amenities. That is why people move here.

Yes, there is air pollution in any areas with increased traffic… but vehicles now have their pollution levels much more managed (hence the elimination of “AirCare”).

Walnut Grove residents are getting unprecedented financial help (millions) from the Township to help mitigate noise and other traffic safety concerns they have voiced regarding the 216th Street interchange.

They aren’t the only area in Langley with traffic safety concerns, but they are going to get financial help, and other areas will not.

The regional area is growing. We need better access to Highway 1.

We, the majority of Langley residents who reside south of the freeway, will welcome better access to Highway 1 (east and west) and to the areas north of the freeway like Walnut Grove and Fort Langley, the gain we have is better traffic flow.

We can’t really tell people to stop moving to Langley, because they won’t listen anyway.

G. Lambert, Langley



Langley Advance