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LETTER: Transit should not be running an advertising agency

First, thank you BC Transit for keeping the bus system up and running during COVID-19.

First, thank you BC Transit for keeping the bus system up and running during COVID-19.

However, I have been meaning to write about a very irritating policy you’ve adopted: and that is the huge, grotesque, intrusive and repulsive advertising on the side of your vehicles. A money maker for sure. They’re like huge billboards, that are not allowed anywhere else, parading by our houses hourly.

I do not like them. I pay for transit in my taxes and with my fuel, and I should not be subjected to this constant visual harassment.

Not only that, but it is preferential. It’s affordable to large businesses and not to my hard-working friend Mohamed who is struggling to keep his excellent restaurant, Zanzibar, going during this difficult time.

Public transit should not be running an advertising agency.

Don Chambers,

Brentwood Bay

Peninsula News Review