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Letter: Transportation plan a good start but too vague

it isn't clear whether or not Kelowna council considers the 12 goals for this transportation plan

To the editor:

After reading your story in the Aug. 15 edition of The Capital News and reviewing the City of Kelowna website, it isn’t clear whether or not city council considers the 12 goals for this transportation plan to be finished or a work in progress. I certainly hope it’s the latter.

As currently written, these aren’t “goals” but rather “broad guidelines”. To be a goal, there needs to be specific definitions, specific measurable targets, and specific time frames.

Statements like “be innovative and flexible” or “improve travel resources” or “support livable communities” are vague at best. Without concrete definitions, measurements and timelines, how is Council (or taxpayers) supposed to hold an educated conversation about projects, priorities, funding or expectations? How will Council (or taxpayers) know if they (we) are being successful or not? These statements are so subjective they could easily mean 100 different things to 100 different people.

This document is a good start but far from being a finished product.

Lloyd Vinish


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