Letter: Trump an ‘intelligent man’

Trump will 'work cooperatively with Senate and House … hopefully engage Democratic Party.'

To the editor:

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have grown weary of all the negative commentary about our President-elect, Mr. Donald Trump.

For the first time in US history, we will have a president who is as close to being an independent as possible. He courageously fought through the entrenched Republican establishment to secure the nomination.  He owes no allegiance to a ‘party platform’ or doctrine.  He owes no political favours.  He is free to act within his powers for the good of the United States.

Mr. Trump is an intelligent man. He is well aware of the need to work cooperatively with the Senate and House, both of which thankfully now have Republican majorities.  Hopefully he will also engage Democratic Party members.  Years of political gridlock in Washington, D.C. are coming to an end.  The potential for great things to happen is huge.

American history will be influenced far beyond Mr. Trump’s presidency.  He will appoint one Supreme Court Justice immediately.  Three more will follow with anticipated retirements.  Supreme Court Justices are lifetime appointments.  I believe Mr. Trump will make appointments who will uphold our time-tested Constitution and Bill of Rights that have served our country well without politically motivated tinkering.

Career politicians have not addressed the issues.  In the last eight years, our military has been cut to levels inexcusable in the face of todays threats.  We have lost the trust of allied nations.  Unsustainable deficit spending has gone unchecked.  It is time to “Make America Great Again.”  President-elect Trump is the right man for at the right time.

Bob Sherman, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News