Letter: Trump’s campaign was beautifully executed

Donald Trump used savvy to win the presidential race against Hilary Clinton, writes John Winter.

Editor:  Please think deeply about the Trump victory.

Many people dislike Donald Trump based on what they have seen in the past year.

Slow down, take a breath and open your mind. What you have witnessed was the greatest Barnum and Bailey show ever performed.

You have seen Trump the showman excite and turn on one group after another.

He went after every segment of the American population, one at a time. When he insulted group A, group B agreed with him and decided to voted for him.

He was their man.

Then he insulted group B and half of group A voted for him and so it went, one after the other, till he had what he needed to win — half the people.

While he was skillfully doing this, unnoticed by those with a closed mind, he pushed the other Republican candidates out of the way. None of them could have won against Hillary Clinton and Trump knew it. The Republican party should be kissing him because without him the party would be sad losers today.

Now give it some time and you will see Donald Trump the statesman use the skills he has learned over his years in business.

Sure, he had a great start from his dad but look what he has done with it.

OK, so he put some properties into bankruptcy a couple of times.

This is a very good business decision if there are no profits on the horizon, also the losses wipe out the profits of other ventures thereby reducing taxes.

He possesses business skills and tricks that no other politician has a clue about and when he applies this skill to the operation of America, the world’s biggest business, look out.

Things are going to happen.

I wish everyone would think back over the past year and ask themselves why Trump did the things he did. None of it was by chance, but very skillfully thought out and beautifully executed.

It was wonderful to watch.

Good luck, President Trump.

John Winter, Langley

Langley Times