Chilliwack School District Trustee Heather Maahs (right) and board chair Trustee Willow Reichelt. (YouTube/ Chilliwack School District)

LETTER: Trustee questions if board has lost its way

'Perhaps it's not Barry's fault after all'

Re: “School board chair looking forward to work set out by minister of education.”

I find this article so interesting for one reason in particular. Trustee Willow Reichelt and three other trustees have had a majority since the election in 2018, giving them the ability to move and pass motions concerning whatever they like.

They voted in favour of no dress codes, in opposition of the committee’s recommendation. They voted in favour of painted rainbows in parking lots. They made statements supporting the SOGI 123 resource.

READ MORE: Chilliwack school board chair looking forward to work set out by minister of education

They opposed an FSA audit. They opposed a learning resource policy. They opposed an informed parental consent policy favouring the passive parental consent currently in place. They opposed writing a letter to the city citing student safety concerns with the Portal and its proximity to schools.

This begs the question, with their controlling majority, why is Reichelt so pleased about the board being assigned an overseer to make sure we are inclusive, ensuring consultation with Indigenous groups and working on better student achievement? Basically, doing the job we were elected to do.

Maybe, just maybe this report and subsequent directions are in fact much needed direction for a board that has lost its way.

Perhaps it’s not [Trustee] Barry [Neufeld’s] fault after all.

Heather Maahs

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