Letter: Trustee role made clear through professional reporting

It’s my hope that more people will take the time to consider the candidates and mark their trustee ballots on Nov. 15.

To the editor:

When I was contacted by reporter Kevin Parnell, stating that the Capital News wished to focus on school trustee elections, I did not anticipate the extent of the coverage, nor the interest garnered by the Oct. 31 edition of the newspaper. (The Education Equation: Trustee Candidates Deserve Our Attention.)

Because I had already been elected by acclamation, I was able to spend time with Mr. Parnell, promoting the importance of school trustee elections and explaining the role of trustees without the fear that it would appear that I was electioneering or gaining an unfair advantage over my opponents.

I found the questions thoughtful and thorough and the reporting fair and accurate. The other articles [in the same edition], by different reporters, helped to clarify the role of Boards of Education. In all my years as a trustee, I cannot remember a newspaper edition so focused on trustee elections.

The BC School Trustees Association sends out “Daily News” every day, with links to newspaper articles and radio comments about education. The Capital News articles have been distributed to trustees around the province, and I have no doubt they will be used by candidates in every school district as they explain the importance of voting for school trustees as well as mayors, councillors and regional directors.

Many people have commented to me on the “trustee edition” of the Capital News newspaper and said they have a greater understanding of the role of school trustees in the public education system.

Thank you for focusing on school trustee elections. It’s my hope that more people will take the time to consider the candidates and mark their trustee ballots on Nov. 15.

Moyra Baxter, chairperson,

Central Okanagan Board of Education



Kelowna Capital News