The Kampe Estate across from the Channel has been bought by a developer who wants to put up two towers. (Brennan Phillips Western News)

LETTER: Turn Kampe estate into park, not towers

Neighbour says the area doesn't want the extra traffic or eyesore


I was appalled a few days ago to receive a letter from the City saying that a developer was proposing two six-story apartment towers on the former Kampe property at 435 Green Avenue W.

This is the lovely estate just off the Channel Parkway that used to display a park-like setting like a miniature Royal Park in London. Large trees shaded a well tended lawn with beautiful flower beds on the border near the street, and seasonal displays for major holidays. Mr. Kampe , who gave generously to the new hospital addition, also seemed to want to provide a beautiful setting that all the residents of Penticton could see and appreciate.

It is a poor response to his generosity to tear it all down and replace it with unsightly towers and parking for 200 cars.

John Steinbeck in his book Travels With Charley made the comment, on seeing a large construction site, that ‘progress’ looked so much like destruction.

This area of town consists of single family houses on small lots, where residents grow trees, flowers and gardens. Those apartment towers would be an eyesore that could be seen anywhere in this part of town. The extra traffic would disrupt the quiet atmosphere that those of us who live here appreciate.

Wouldn’t it be nice if this park-like setting could be used as a small park, and the beautiful house on the property used as an annex to the museum? Penticton has very little in the way of parks, and could use one.

Florence Barton


Penticton Western News