Letter: turn lights off, save power

Did you realize 2016 is one second longer than last year. How do you intend to spend your extra second?

'Turning off the lights helps to reduce light pollution, creates ambiance, and encourages us to slow down and relax. More importantly, turning off the lights saves money by reducing energy consumption.'

'Turning off the lights helps to reduce light pollution, creates ambiance, and encourages us to slow down and relax. More importantly, turning off the lights saves money by reducing energy consumption.'

Did you realize 2016 is one second longer than last year. How do you intend to spend your extra second?  By doing trivial things like sleeping? Eating? Vacuuming? Doing laundry? Not Battle_Impala.  We commit to using that precious second to change the world!

Consider this: It only takes ONE second to turn off a light switch.  Such a little thing to do, but such an impact on our planet.

Turning off the lights helps to reduce light pollution, creates ambiance, and encourages us to slow down and relax. More importantly, turning off the lights saves money by reducing energy consumption.  On average, a typical incandescent light bulb uses sixty watts of energy per hour, or 0.016 watts per second! If five people in a house turned off one light bulb in that one extra second, that family could potentially save up to 300 watts in that one hour. If, in a typical neighbourhood, only twenty of those homes did the same, the energy saved would be six-thousand watts of electricity.

Now imagine that every person on this planet uses their extra second in such a wise manner.  Using 7.4 billion people as a rough estimate, turning one light bulb off for one second would save sixteen million watts of electricity world-wide!  Now those are numbers that make sense!

That’s it, just one extra second.  Imagine the possibilities!  Battle_Impala would like to challenge each one of us to use that second wisely, to make a difference.

Keep calm and GISHWHES on!


Laura FreemanVanderhoof



Vanderhoof Omineca Express