LETTER: Two steps back for BC and climate

What was that? I thought we had agreed to transition away from a mono-culture carbon-based economy.

What was that? I thought we had agreed to transition away from a mono-culture carbon-based economy. Global investment has already recognized that the carbon boat is sinking. Why would anyone today choose to invest in a sinking ship? Apparently Christy Clark is one of those.

Why would anyone want to sign on as crew for such a limited voyage? Apparently many people in BC have been lured in to the illusion that the ship won’t sink. If someone were to ask into which economic basket I would put my investment eggs, it would be renewables and non-carbon based technologies. The current and future jobs are there along with long term return on investment.

Global investment organizations tend to look at the “big picture,” where the global economy is moving — those in government tend to look at the four-year election cycle and the short term promises that can get them re-elected. The global future of energy investment is very clear. Why then, would our government not want to be part of that future? Into which economic basket would you wish your investment eggs to be placed?

Ron Robinson, Nelson


Nelson Star