Letter: Union Bay homeowner favours sewer project

I am a Union Bay homeowner who has waited 15 years for the south sewer project to become a reality.

I am a Union Bay homeowner who has waited 15 years for the south sewer project to become a reality. During this time I have been a responsible septic field owner, however septic fields are no longer a viable method of sewage treatment especially in areas of poor soil and high water table. This describes my area. I have spoken to those who are opposed and find they generally fall into two camps. Those who are against spending any large sums of money for any reason. And those who have recently purchased a newer home with a newer system or those who have had to replace their old septic system in order to sell their home. None of those opposing address the fact that 80% of properties in Phase One have failing or ‘soon to fail’ septic systems.

Since this is a big investment I spoke to my financial advisor, he stated that homes connected to a sewer system sell faster and sell for more money. The type of septic systems now required for health reasons (Type 2 or 3) are more expensive than the $22,500 quoted by the CVRD. He reminded me that investing in major infrastructure has a better return on investment than remodeling your kitchen.

I have an aging parent whom I would like to build a small apartment for in my home. I can not do this with a septic field but I can with a sewer connection. Since I will have to upgrade my system to a type 2 or 3 anyway, I would much rather support the south sewer project. It is good value for me AND the community.

Susanna Kaljur


Comox Valley Record