LETTER – Union Bay residents to be applauded for confronting Mosiac about harvesting plans

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I noticed with interest the report Mosaic commits to logging plans near Langley Lake in the July 2 Record.

I commend the residents of Union Bay for asking for the ‘harvest’ to be put on hold in order to work on a plan in the Langley Lake watershed, especially since drinking water for Union Bay comes from Langley Lake.

We, in the Tsolum River watershed, did not have the opportunity for input when Mosiac logged the east slope of Constitution Hill last winter. What appeared seemingly overnight, noticeable when the fog lifted, were huge clear-cut blocks that turned brown and parched this summer. Mosaic assured us that the areas have been planted but it is unlikely trees have survived. The Tsolum River is now at its lowest recorded water levels and this year’s pink salmon run is in trouble. With the coming fall rains, residents living along the Tsolum River are anticipating a fast-rising, potential flood situation due in part to the major loss of absorbing forest cover on Constitution Hill.

We need to do a major evaluation about how to protect and manage our watersheds and our groundwater in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and the forestry industry needs to be a part of this conversation.

Sally Gellard,

Tsolum Watershed

Comox Valley Record