Aaron Hinks photoLetter writer Christine Bennet-Clark says the now-closed Giraffe restaurant’s hedge is growing without restraint.

Aaron Hinks photoLetter writer Christine Bennet-Clark says the now-closed Giraffe restaurant’s hedge is growing without restraint.

LETTER: Unsightly property should be addressed



While there’s been much talk about the silliness of the flag removal, the bigger issue has been overlooked. What’s been missed is the reason Primo’s felt the need to put up the two flags in the first place.

What caught my eye in the initial article was Primo restaurant’s spokesperson’s comment that the hedge at the now closed Giraffe restaurant was blocking the view of the restaurants further up the street.

Saturday, I took a walk down Marine Drive to look at the hedge. It is out of control. It’s been allowed to grow without restraint overhanging the street and blocking the street view.

If anyone needs a bylaw warning, it’s the owner of this vacant property. I’m sure there are bylaws that require business owners to keep their properties in an orderly state.

While addressing the flag bylaw is important, I do hope that city councillors will address the issue of the overgrown hedge. Not just for Primo’s, but for the other restaurants and for the whole look of Marine Drive.

Christine Bennet-Clark, White Rock

Peace Arch News