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LETTER: Upgraded Parksville running track would have many users

Re: 'Parksville running coaches remain firmly behind Ballenas track upgrade project' (www.pqbnews.com, Nov. 22)

Re: ‘Parksville running coaches remain firmly behind Ballenas track upgrade project’ (www.pqbnews.com, Nov. 22)

Hats off (and masks on) to School District 69 trustees and management, who support coaches Kim and Randy Longmuir to form an Oceanside Track Renewal Steering Committee.

The need for an Oceanside sportsplex solution or a simple upgrade to the Parksville Ballenas Secondary ‘asphalt/mostly grass track’ is long overdue.

The Parksville mayor, after multiple years of RDN study and procrastination has stated – this issue really does “need to be put out of its misery.”

Even back in 2006, the RDN D69 recreation services master plan identified the community need for a cinder create track facility upgrade to a rubberized track. The RDN has studied this project to death if you get the drift. How about 2021?

This new public initiative to provide an upgrade for a rubberized track will not only support our training coaches, it will infuse enthusiasm into our local track athletes and future trophy winners.

READ MORE: Your letters here

A track upgrade may also provide new and exciting opportunities for Ballenas students, wheelchair athletes, speed walkers, health recovery groups, senior citizens and many others, just looking for a smooth, rubbery, safe and uniform surface to get some daily exercise.

Take a drive to Port Alberni mid-day and see who is using that rubberized track. Our local project needs less study and more action. This grassroots initiative (no pun intended), the formation of a focused group on one specific Oceanside recreation facility need for a community rubberized track upgrade is inspiring.

Reg Nosworthy

Qualicum Beach

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