Letter: Urging politicians to keep being pro-Israeli

Israel has gone over and above all other nations at war…in warning the people of Gaza by dropping leaflets over the area about to be bombed.

To the editor:

To those who criticize Premier Christy Clark and Prime Minister Stephen Harper saying they are not pro-peace, just pro-Israel, you are either intentionally making misleading comments, or you don’t know the facts.

Hamas places their weaponry in schools, hospitals and even United Nations designated shelters knowingly and intentionally using their own people as human shields—a strategy that is obviously working for them in their media propaganda.

The goal of Hamas, as stated in their own words, is to “completely destroy Israel as they have completely destroyed others in the past.” They are driven by a rage and hatred that can only be described as evil.

Israel’s goal, other than obviously protecting their own people from the relentless bombing, is to destroy buildings and sites where Hamas is, and destroy the newly discovered countless underground tunnels built by Hamas to get to Israel. They found weapons and even Israeli soldier uniforms.

Israel has gone over and above all other nations at war in the past in warning the people of Gaza by dropping leaflets over the surrounding area about to be bombed and by texting their phones, giving them time to get out.

I stand by Christy Clark and Stephen Harper and I am proud of them for taking a stand against evil.

Teresa H. MacLennan



Kelowna Capital News