Letter: Useless Party up the middle for a win

It isn’t any secret that people are fed up with the political system.

To the editor:

While watching the political debate on TV, I couldn’t but feel for the viewers who have to choose a leader based on their performances.

The one truism in politics seems to be: “Don’t give a clear, honest answer to a question,” the other one is: “All my lies aren’t true.”

It isn’t any secret that people are fed up with the political system.

Why is it that politicians make all their grandiose promises at election time with our tax dollars to fix the problems that they created in the first place?

So, rather than just complaining without offering a solution, I have decided to give the citizens an alternative.

I have unofficially created the Useless Party with the slogan: “Use less, have more.”

I think my party reflects the reality of today’s world. So if you want to do something useful, vote for the Useless Party.

Hajime (Harold) Naka,



Kelowna Capital News