Vedder Park and the designated area where alcohol consumption will be allowed started August 18, 2020 as part of a pilot project. (City of Chilliwack)

Vedder Park and the designated area where alcohol consumption will be allowed started August 18, 2020 as part of a pilot project. (City of Chilliwack)

LETTER: Vedder Park isn’t the place for public drinking

'I consider this entire area a gem of our doorstep'

I’m hesitant to support this project in general and specifically at Vedder Park. It’s clearly an additional expense we taxpayers will incur for set up, monitoring/security, garbage/toilet facilities and general maintenance. The city says it will help the local economy, but how? Yes liquor store sales may go up, but would it not take sales away from pubs and eateries also trying to survive?

• READ MORE: Drinking in two city parks to be allowed by Chilliwack council

I also don’t believe enough people will follow social distancing in an open space any better than they have been doing in pubs, stores and other public spaces.

Specific to Vedder Park (including the adjacent Canadian Education Park and Garrison Crossing), I consider this entire area a gem at our doorstep. Even people like me who live in Central Chilliwack can easily take the bus there and enjoy nature along the river and Rotary Club Trail, and/or stroll through the extremely well planned adjoining residential and educational sites. I don’t want this area turning into a daily music/party atmosphere that would detract from the calming ambiance of the area.

If the city and a majority of those providing feedback insist on piloting two sites then I prefer if they find an alternate to Vedder Park.

You can share your initial thoughts to city hall at until August 23.

Sandra Baumgartner

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• READ MORE: Chilliwack Progress Letters

Chilliwack Progress