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LETTER: Verdict in George Floyd murder begins long healing journey

Harvey Andrew of Agassiz feels relief in Derek Chauvin verdict

Dear Editor:

The Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been found guilty on three counts following his trial. He faces up to 40 years behind bars. The thing is he will not do 40 years; maybe 12 to 13 years at the most, and who knows? He may be up for parole in a few months or a few years.

Anyway, justice has been done. I feel relieved. I was doubtful of the verdict in Minneapolis. A whole lot of people and a country feels relieved. The stress was tremendous.

However, it’s not over yet. What happened in Minneapolis was the first step of a 1,000-mile journey – a 1,000 mile journey that we will all be taking together.

Harvey Andrew


Agassiz-Harrison Observer