Bike lane arrow painted on street

Bike lane arrow painted on street

Letter: Vernon cyclists take caution

Kudos to the City of Vernon to make the town more bike friendly.

As an avid cycler, it has been truly enjoyable this summer to cycle the almost completed new two-way bike lane along one side of 30th Street between 37 Ave. to Polson Park on my way to the Rail Trail.

Kudos to the City of Vernon to make the town more bike friendly. However, it is a big change for the traffic and pedestrians to have two-way bike traffic on the East-side of 30th Street.

I would encourage all bike riders to be cautious on this route and ensure that you have a bell on your bike to warn off potential conflict.

I hope that bikers and pedestrians can be patient with each other and that we can all enjoy this new opportunity provided to us. Vernon is a leading City in promoting bike lanes which is just another reason why Vernon is such a great place to live.

Rudi van Zwaaij

Vernon Morning Star