D’arcy Brown poses with an original painting of him in front of the station in 1968 shortly after he started his CN career. (Photo/D’arcy Brown)

LETTER: Very few buildings like the Station House still exist

D'arcy Brown of Alberta says the historic Station House can hold its own if properly maintained


I was recently sent an article from The Vancouver Sun regarding the demolition of the old Hope CNR station. I grew up in Hope, but our family moved to the coast in early 1960s. For a short time, we lived on Fort Street near the station.

I was saddened to hear of the pending demolition of this 1916 building. I beleive your district council is misleading you when they say it has lost its heritage value by being moved. Not so.

This is a Canadian Northern Railway style building and very few of them are left. These buildings were extremely well-constructed and could outlast many of the buildings in town as long as they are maintained. I have been involved with a couple heritage organizations here in Alberta, and I know convincing politicans to reverse their decision is not easy, and there are many factors to consider, cost being very important.

There are federal and I’m guessing provincial funds available to help. I worked for CNR for many years and have now retired.

I am in hope that this letter is supportive to the organization that is trying to retain and preserve the building.

D’arcy Brown

Sherwood Park, Alta.

Hope Standard